Appetizers, Dinner, Recipes, Side Dishes, Vegetarian

Elevated Truffle Fries

Elevated Truffe fries

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Is it any suprise that the Nirvana Girls adore elevated truffle fries? Not really! We perfected the art of homemade french fries, and took them to new heights. (Yes I’m bragging, but when you taste these fries you’ll understand my genius.) We have made a few variations over the years, but this remains the all time favorite. (Although my sweet potatoe fries are a rival for favorite side dish, but that’s another post!)

Elevated Truffle Fries:

  • 6-8 potatoes (I usually do 2 per person depending on the size)
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 tbsp truffle oil
  • Sprinkle of parmesan
  • Pinch of salt to taste
  • Minced fresh parsley to garnish

Start by washing the potatoes, and cutting them into slim french fries. The finer you can get them the easier it is to get a nice crisp fry. If you have the time and patience thow the fries into a bowl of ice cold water for 30-60 minutes. This trick also helps with the crispy factor but isn’t necessary. Then strain and dry the fries. Toss them with the olive oil until well coated. Then pop them into an air fryer if you have one for about 30 minutes. If you don’t, they can go on a silpat or parchment paper covered cookie sheet and into the oven at 400 degrees for 30 minutes. Make sure to flip them about 15 minutes in. After 30 minutes add in the garlic, truffle oil, and parmesan and pop the fries back in for another 10-15 minutes. You add the truffle oil at the end otherwise the flavour tends to cook off, and you want the garlic to have a chance to cook without burning. Finally you want melty parmesan cheese. Once that’s achieved pull out the fries and taste test. Add a pinch of salt and evaluate the truffle flavour. You may find you want to add a final drizzle of truffle oil before serving. Plate and garnish with parsley if your feeling fancy!

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