Lifestyle, Meditation

Meditation Space

Meditation space with candles, Mala, and stones

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Quiet the mind and the soul will speak.”

Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

When setting up your meditation space you can make it as simple or complex as you want. Ideally you want a quiet, warm, comfortable meditation space. That’s it. Simple right? If you want to be a little extra you might set aside a particular spot. Maybe it’s your bedroom. Or a slightly out of the way pocket of quiet in your house. I happen to be a yoga instructor with a walk out basement that I practice and teach out of, so that’s where I meditate.

Blue and green mandala


You want to feel comfortable. If you can’t sit comfortably on the floor, sit on a chair or a couch. One place I don’t recommend is your bed. That’s a recipe for a wonderful nap. On the other hand, I find sitting on my meditation cushion on the floor to be relatively comfortable. HERE is a link to the beautiful cushion cover pictured above. In fact, the grounding or rooted sensation of sitting on the floor with a straight spine is very helpful when I meditate. Despite the occasional case of pins and needles, I find it’s a good practice to get into. Posture and breath are strongly related to meditation. 

plant and candle holder

Cozy Factors

Generally speaking, I prefer to be warm instead of cold. In Alberta this means I often wrap up in a blankie! On the wall to my right I have an electric fireplace that I got from Costco. With a minimal flat white front, I can program it to change colors or set it to a particular one. I can also set a timer to run for a couple of hours if I want. This helps create a cozy and warm atmosphere with both heat and light.

Candles and plants on altar meditation space

The Senses

Another key point is to engage your senses. For example, I have some lightly scented candles I like to burn. Some of my favorites are rose water and ivy, white tea and sage, as well as lemon balm. In the background I can hear the small fountain in my studio. If you don’t have the space for a fountain, you can always play a soft relaxing song or chant. Choose something very soothing and gentle, preferably without English words. Whenever I hear a lyric I understand I find it very distracting. Youtube has some wonderful ambient soundscapes I use as well. Something like a thunderstorm, rain on a tin roof, or birds singing in a forest works beautifully.

Candles and dish with stones and crystals for meditation space

Point of Focus

At the front of my studio I have my small altar. During the dark Canadian mornings I love to have lots of candles for both additional warmth and the cozy factor. Also on my altar sits a silver dish with several stones in it. These are simply a decorative element that serves as a reminder. To me, rose quartz often symbolises healing and self love, amethyst for stress relief, and selenite for deep peace and meditation. There are a couple others that are simply there because they are pretty. I like to have these visible reminders of peace, tranquility, and beauty in my meditation space.



Around the edges of the studio are a ton of plants. I love the relaxing routine of checking on and caring for them. The lush green and vibrant pops of color help me feel like I’m somewhere tropical and warm. The air smells fresh and lush, whether that’s all in my head or a reality I’m not sure! In any case, I love the sense of life and energy they give the space.

Mala and candle in meditation space


Finally we come to my mala. A mala is a string of 108 beads, with one larger ‘head’ or ‘guru’ bead. Malas are used in certain types of meditation or as jewelry or decoration depending on the owner. Mine is made by Hourglass Jewelry Shop out of Calgary AB. I ordered it off their Etsy Shop. Made of rose quartz and howlite it’s a beautiful addition to my practice. The howlite stands for peace, communication, and memory. As stated before rose quartz often stands for self love and healing.

Altar with candles and mala for meditation space

Summing it all up

All these elements come together to create my ideal space to meditate. This is a very personal choice and what works for me might not work for you. Maybe you want to fill the space with reminders of your life, or maybe you want the most minimal and least distracting space possible. The idea of caring for plants might be exhausting or overwhelming. Candles are relaxing to me but you might prefer essential oils in a diffuser. Complete silence might be preferable or on the other hand, lots of noise from the neighborhood in the background might be better.  The idea here is to find the right balance of elements to create a space with harmony. As soon as I light my candles and sit on my cushion my mind and body settle into the familiar surroundings and surrender to the routine.

If you missed the first post in this series you can read about the science behind meditation Here.