Breakfast, Recipes

Raspberry Chevre Breakfast Toast

raspberries and chevre cheese on toast

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It’s Raspberry season! Time once again to enjoy those flavorful little morsels that burst with tangy goodness in your mouth! Not only are they tasty, but they are so good for us too. Raspberries make a great low calorie snack. They are high in fibre, and one cup contains half our needed daily intake of vitamin C. As well, like all berries, they contain antioxidants. Needless to say, it’s no hardship to find ways to enjoy these scrumptious goodies for breakfast, lunch and dinner! My favorite way to enjoy raspberries for breakfast is our Raspberry Chevre Breakfast Toast.

Chevre is a soft, creamy, spreadable cheese with a subtle, earthy flavor. Also known as goat cheese, it provides us with protein and calcium. That’s a good way to start the day. If you don’t care for goat cheese, you can substitute cream cheese in this recipe.

I drizzle my breakfast toast with pure, raw, unpasturized honey that is produced locally. I substitute honey for sugar whenever I can. Refined sugar is completely empty calories, whereas good quality honey is rich in antioxidants, and thought to have many health benefits.

I make my own bread whenever possible and it’s usually a good, hearty, loaf made with sprouted whole wheat flour. This makes a hearty, filling base for our recipe.

Best of all, our Raspberry Chevre Breakfast Toast is a quick, easy breakfast to make!

Raspberry Chevre Breakfast Toast


Whole wheat bread toasted

softened chevre cheese (or cream cheese)

fresh raspberries

honey gently warmed


Spread your toast with the softened cheese. Top with fresh raspberries. Drizzle with warm honey. Serve at once.

Enjoy your summer fresh breakfast toast! For another healthy breakfast idea, check out this post for our healthy Gluten Free Banana Chocolate Chip Muffin recipe!