Breakfast, Fitness, Recipes

Mango Lassi Protein Shake

Mango Lassi Protein Shake

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 Now it’s common knowledge that mexican food is a staple in our home. It’s a lesser known fact that we like to stuff ourselves when we go out for indian food. I always order a mango lassi. It’s thick like a milkshake but has a sweet tang thanks to the yogurt. It’s a favorite for sure! Anyway as most of you know, I work out most days. After I finish, I follow my workout with a protein shake. Anyone familiar with this routine knows that a daily protein shake gets mighty boring. I have become quite creative over the years to keep my shake routine interesting. One of my all time favorites is my Mango Lassi Protein Shake.

For this shake I use organic kefir. I use kefir because it has a similar taste to yogurt but has a nice drinkable consistency. This is key because when you add protein powder the shake can get quite thick. Kefir is a fermented drink made from milk. It is rich in nutrients and probiotics. It’s considered to be very good for promoting gut health. I also like to add a bit of matcha green tea powder. Green tea is rich in antioxidants and credited with many health benefits such as improving brain function. I don’t always remember to make myself a cup of green tea so I cover my bases by adding the matcha green tea powder to my shakes. 

Mango Lassi Protein Shake:


½ cup organic kefir

½ cup almond milk

1 scoop protein powder (I use Leanfit naturals it’s gluten free and sweetened with stevia)

½ cup frozen organic mango chunks

1 tsp peach matcha green tea powder


Combine all ingredients in a blender. Blend thoroughly. This is best enjoyed immediately as it thickens when it sits. 

For more protein smoothie inspiration, check out

Caramel Cold Brew Protein Smoothie

Raspberry Lemon Protein Smoothie