Lifestyle, Meditation, Yoga

My Mantras for Meditation and Life

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My meditation practice has settled into a bit of a routine. Light the candles, pick up my mala, and begin my mantra. Over time I have found that I usually use the same mantra, lyrics that I took from a song familiar and comforting. But occasionally I need something different, maybe a slice of peace and calm, or a push to become more disciplined. I have collected here some of my favorite mantras for meditation and life.

Some people feel that you should only ever use one mantra, one style of meditation. Others feel that you can drift from one style to the next, changing mantras and more. I fall somewhere in the middle. My meditation journey is at a point where I need the focus of a mantra, but I am flexible enough to add in different mantras when I feel something new resonating with me.

I have here some of my favorite mantras that have attracted my attention over the years of my practice, and my hope is that one of these will speak to you. Maybe sparking fresh inspiration, or a new sense of joy. Without further ado, here are my mantras for meditation and life. Namaste.

Mantras for Meditation and Life
Mantras for Meditation and Life
Mantras for Meditation and Life

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